ACO's Journey into the Future
President's 2019 Message
December 20, 2019
Dear Friend of the ACO:
2018 marked the ACO’s 50th anniversary year. How did we celebrate? No big gala event. No fireworks. We did what we do best: we got to work. And work we did. Continue reading Dr. Crist's message.
Dr. Peter Crist tells of three significant recent anniversaries and looks to the ACO’s future in the 21st century.
More Ways to Support the ACO
ACO Laboratory Fundraiser
August 15, 2018 - Update
Dear Friend of Orgonomy:
I am pleased to let you know that Phase I of our ACO Laboratory Fundraiser to make improvements in the Elsworth F. Baker Oranur Research Laboratory raised $20,920, just $80 shy of goal. Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, we purchased ten Zeiss Primo Star microscopes in time for our summer Half Day Laboratory Course on the Reich Blood Test, and we will soon be purchasing a high resolution camera and 40" monitor for our demo microscope. Plans for Phase II will be announced. Learn more about the fundraiser and our lab courses on our ACO Laboratory Fundraiser page.
Peter A. Crist, M.D., President
ACO Living Campus Project
“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower” – Albert Camus
Project Update - Summer 2018
Dear Friend of Orgonomy:
I am pleased to share with you news that all of the trees from Phase I of the ACO Living Campus Project have been purchased thanks to the generosity of our supporters. Four trees were planted in late spring and we have plans to purchase and plant the remaining three larger shade trees next spring. Phase II will be announced in 2019. In the meantime, you can still take part by making a contribution on our ACO Living Campus Project page, where you can also see photos of the new trees.
Peter A. Crist, M.D., President
Read about our Property Improvement Project
Help sustain the ACO with your tax deductible contribution. Your support can take many forms, from a one-time donation to our General Fund or to a particular project, to becoming a Member Donor, to annuities and planned giving. For more information, please contact our office.
The American College of Orgonomy is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
The American College of Orgonomy
P.O. Box 490
Princeton, New Jersey 08542
Phone 732.821.1144
Fax 732.821.0174
Make a One-Time Donation to Our General Fund or Property Improvement Project
Become an ACO Member Donor
Become a Member Donor of the American College of Orgonomy and enjoy membership benefits! Sign up any time conveniently and securely through PayPal or call (732) 821-1144 for assistance.
Basic Membership
$10 a month for one year. Members receive a soft-bound copy of Wilhelm Reich and Orgonomy by Ola Raknes and periodic e-mail updates available only to members.
Supporting Membership $25 a month for one year. In addition to the above updates and book, members receive a 10% discount on ACO books and Journal of Orgonomy subscriptions.
The Sustaining Membership $60 a month for one year. In addition to the above updates, book and discounts, members also receive a complimentary one-year print or online subscription to the Journal of Orgonomy and are entitled to complimentary attendance to select ACO events (not including lab or other educational courses).
Patron Membership $90 or more a month for one year. In addition to the above updates, book, discounts and subscription to the Journal of Orgonomy, members receive a classic ACO logo canvas tote (quantities are limited) and are entitled to complimentary attendance to all ACO events (not including lab or other educational courses).
Make a One-Time Donation
Make tax-deductible donation of any size.
The American College of Orgonomy
P.O. Box 490
Princeton, New Jersey 08542
Phone 732.821.1144
Fax 732.821.0174