“Dealing with Pandemic Panic: The Fresh Approach of Medical Orgone Therapy.”
Dr. Crist shares his thoughts about this upcoming webinar: This is the first public event that the ACO has sponsored since the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. How did you decide the topic for this event? Dr. Crist: It’s an absolute no brainer. The COVID-19 pandemic is on…
“Social Distancing: What’s in a Word?” thoughts by Peter A. Crist, M.D.
When I first heard the term “social distancing” less than two weeks ago, my immediate thought was, What the hell is that? Then I learned it meant keeping at least six feet between me and someone else. The term somehow didn’t seem right and nagged at…
Dealing with Pandemic Panic
We are pleased to share with you an interview with Peter A. Crist, M.D. that was published in a special Doctor’s Day issue of US1 Newspaper on Wednesday, March 25, 2020 The coronavirus pandemic has left us living with tremendous uncertainty. How contagious is this…